Something New

I have been given a very unique opportunity to photograph sports here at Miami University.  Today was my first time photographing a sporting event.  I won't lie, I have a new found respect for sports photographers.  First off, lugging all of that equipment is exhausting, but that's not what is difficult about sports photography.  Following the action of football through the eye of a 300mm prime lens is much more difficult than I anticipated.  The weight of the lens didn't make it any easier. Here is an example of me getting used to it:

Seriously? Where the heck was I aiming?! It took me at least ten minutes to finally get the hang of it, but jeez is that 300mm f/2.8 lens a monster.  Seriously, the quality of the images needed almost 0 processing.

Well, I spent the entire game shooting away and getting in some good practice.  I really enjoyed the experience and I am hoping to go back and see if I can do better, because, honestly, the nerves were definitely getting to me.  Nonetheless, it was an experience that was much needed. Failure is part of the learning process, right? At least we should be striving for this growth mindset (gross).

I am very fortunate, though, to have the opportunity to do this kind of stuff for my practicum experience.  I am also very fortunate to have such great photographers to learn from.  This media kick I am on has definitely taken over my studies and I feel I've found a way to interweave my passions. Looking forward to the next shoot!

Here are some of my fav's from today (click on the photos for more):


P.S. Sometimes autofocus is terrible... :( DANG! That could've been a good shot!